I am a professor in the Federal Institute of Alagoas, interested in configurable systems with a high amount of variablity. Currently, I'm investigating approaches to safely evolve configurable systems that are statically configurable with the C preprocessor. Our approach considers perfective evolution, which focuses on improving software quality by performing refactorings, and defective evolution, which focuses on detecting existing configuration-related bugs, including memory leaks, resource leaks, syntax errors, and type errors. Configuration-related bugs appear only when we enable or disable certain compile-time configuration options.
PhD Student at Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), advised by Dr. Rohit Gheyi and Dr. Márcio Ribeiro. Internship at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), advised by Dr. Christian Kästner, and another at Univertät Passau, advised by Dr. Sven Apel.
Productivity Research Grant (PQ-A) at IFAL. Founding member and coordinator of the Software Research Center (CPS). Conducts research in the areas of configurable systems and analysis of software repositories. He has publications in very selective software engineering venues, such as ICSE and TSE.
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DSc in Software Engineering, 2016
Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
PhD Internship, 2014
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
PhD Internship, 2015
University of Passau, Germany
MSc in Computer Science, 2012
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
BSc in Computer Science, 2007
Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
Regular undergrad and grad courses at Federal Institute of Alagoas: